

THINGS NOT TO DO IN JAPAN Japan is a very developed nation, but the cultural influence of japan on the people is very high as well, That’s why there are some things which you must consider when travelling or going to japan.

Don’t eat or drink while walking

Japan is a very clean country, and their focus is largely based on hygiene as well as the cleanliness in the country. But there’s a catch to it, the streets and parks in japan don’t have dustbins in them, so, when being out, people don’t find a place to throw their garbage. That’s why it Is suggested not to eat while walking. Although this is not considered illegal, you may find people in japan standing out of convenient stores as they buy food for themselves

Don’t do various things with chopsticks

Chopsticks are meant to be used while eating in japan. And although you can pretty much use them to eat food. But you should certainly don’t do things like these

Never put your chopsticks upright in rice

This Is part of a ritual in japan, when someone dies. So doing this in front of Japanese people while eating will be considered very disrespectful and impolite.

Never pass things chopsticks to chopsticks

This is again a ritual in japan, when a family passes the bones of the dead member among themselves, and this will be considered impolite as well

Don’t rub the chopsticks

Chopsticks are made from wood, and usually has small fragments in them. Sometimes people rub them together in hands to feel the fragments, but if you do this in a restaurant or in front of a host that has invited you over. You basically show that you are disrespecting them of giving you cheap chopsticks.

Don’t use phone on Public transport

Using phone in public transport is considered normal in a lot of countries, but in japan this is not considered normal. When you talk loudly on calls in a transport, you disturb the people present there, and that disturbance is the thing you must avoid in japan at all cost. So don’t use your phone in public transport.

Don’t underestimate business cards

A lot of people consider business card as a piece of paper, which is very normal and just have somethings written on it. But business cards are much more important aspect in japan. In japan, business cards are like physical embodiment of the person you receive them from. And they represent the person himself. Using business card is important in japan as when you receive them, it is an indication of start of a business relationship with that person

Don’t Tip

In japan, customer service is considered the biggest thing for the people, and the reason they do this is to make sure that their customers are at most amount of comfort. When you tip someone, they will think that you are evaluating their services in terms of money. And that’s the reason you shouldn’t tip anyone in japan.

Don’t come in physical contact

Physical contact in japan always usually avoided, and this is the reason why people in japan usually consider bowing when they greet someone instead of hugging or handshakes. And also among couples, public display of affection are rare. That’s why you should avoid physical contact whenever necessary.

Don’t Debate too much

Its okay to have opinions about something, which you don’t like or hate in particular, and its okay to sometimes get in arguments. But if you keep throwing your opinions on others on everything, they will eventually start to dislike you. Japanese culture is a big promoter of overall peace and harmony, and it is difficult to have peace when everyone is having arguments, that’s why they avoid throwing their opinions on others.

Don’t forget to take your shoes off

When visiting someone’s house, public bathhouse or any other public building. People will often tell you to take your shoes off, and that is necessary to follow this because of the cleanliness. To know where to take off your shoes, any place will have elevated surface on the entrance, and that elevated surface will have slippers on it.

Don’t cross road on red light.

It fairly doesn’t matter if there are cars on road or not, you must avoid crossing the road on red light. Because japan is a rule abiding country, and this discipline of following the rules is seen even in when there is no car on the road. So, follow rules whenever you are in japan.

Don’t blow your nose in public

If you have runny nose, usually you are supposed to keep sniffing or just to go to a toilet to blow your nose, but don’t do this public, because you will find it very awkward then. Although handkerchiefs are pretty normal here as well, but they are used to dry hands in public.